Evolution has never been observed in heterosexual life! Is this a probelem for the theory? DUUUHHHHH! YES IT"S A PROBELEM! Why can they not understand this?
Meaning the only place that it has been observed is with small Asexual life forms. Not homosexual ones, :/ I wrote this while I was frustrated. I was talking to one guy on facebook about it and he didn't understand what I was talking about. cheers -joe cool
Josiah Teal was the most intelligent person in NY state, but for reasons unknown, nobody was able to recognize his creative genius. Then one day he made a blog and wrote stuff that went way over peoples heads. At last, he was pleased. :D
evolution has never been observed in heterosexual life....? dont really understand that :P christy xx
Meaning the only place that it has been observed is with small Asexual life forms. Not homosexual ones, :/ I wrote this while I was frustrated. I was talking to one guy on facebook about it and he didn't understand what I was talking about. cheers -joe cool
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