Noah could have very easily taken very many dinosaurs onto the ark with him according to a new study released Tuesday (my own study).
The great historical scientist Josiah Teal has just released his findings to the public. According to Teal, Dinosaurs were not born huge, in fact, they actually took many, many years to reach the massive sizes that are usually associated with them.
First we must look at a common reptile living today, a crocodile. It is well known among Reptologists that reptiles never stop growing and the older they are, the bigger they are. In recent issues of popular science magazines, articles have been appearing that talk about massive crocodiles they dub the Super Croc, which, according to the articles, is some kind of extinct reptile. In an alarming move, Teal claims that this reptile is not actually extinct.
Not extinct?? Then please explain to us were this species of massive crocodilian is located.
Teal states that it is located in the local zoos and around small sections of the United States and also in Australia.
In the local zoo? How utterly absurd!
Teal goes on to explain, that Super Croc was merely an oversized version of the crocodiles we know of today.
How could this be, since many respected scientists of today claim that Super Croc died out millions of years ago?
As Teal has already stated, reptiles never cease to grow in size.
But it would take a thousand years for a crocodile to grow as big as Super Croc, which Happens to be exactly Teal's point. According to the most trusted historical collections of writings in history (The Bible), before the great deluge [the flood of Noah (sent by God)] and even for a short time afterward people are reported to have lived as long as 969 years as a result of the perfect climate set up by God.
So, if people lived to be over 900 years old back then, and a crocodile has roughly the same lifespan as humans do now, then crocodiles must have lived to be over 900 years as well. And since reptiles never cease to enlarge themselves They must've been HUGE!!
Now imagine your pet lizard getting as big as a Komodo Dragon, and your pet Iguana getting as big as a crocodile!
So Teal has also stated that Noah could have easily taken many Dinosaurs onto the Ark with him. Even if they were ten years old they would still be little animals.
Maybe he even took T-Rex's with him. They would have been much easier for man to kill if they weren't so enormous.
Also, a herd of Sauropods could easily be living in the jungles of the Congo today.
Shorter lifespan = smaller dinosaur. Longer lifespan = bigger crocodile.